Wen Wu Law Office
practice the following areas of
family law in Ontario, Canada:
- Marriage Contracts
- Cohabitation Contracts
- Separation Contracts
- Paternity
- Child Protection Proceedings (CFSA/CAS and/or CCAS)
- Divorce
- Custody
- Access
- Mediation
- Annulments
- Restraining/Non-Harassment Orders
- Variation Proceedings/Family Responsibility Office (FRO)
representation i.e. reinstatement of driver's license
- Child support
- Spousal Support
- Division of Property
- Division of Property for Unmarried Couples
- Exclusive Possession of the Matrimonial home
- Exclusive Possession of the Contents of the Matrimonial
- Sale of Family property
- Freezing assets
- Guardianship
- Divorce Opinion Letter for same or opposite remarriage in
Canada when one or both people were divorced outside of Canada