Immigration > > > U.S.A. > > > I Visa | |||||||||||||||||||||||
I VISA The I Visa is designed for media employees including reporters, freelance journalists and film crew members to carry on their business in U.S. However mainstream filmmakers are not eligible for this status. I visas are available to persons only to work for a foreign media outlet, or a U.S.-based subsidiary of a foreign media company. The I Visa holder's spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 may be eligible for a derivative I status. I Visa's applicant's employer must offer a letter detailing his or her position. However, the derivative I visa does not apply to fiancés. There are some alternatives for I Visa holder's spouse or independent children who wish to join in U.S. They may apply for a B-2 visa. They may also be eligible to travel under the Visa Waiver Program. Procedures The I Visa applicant should submit the visa application to the American Consulate or Embassy in home country. The applicant can apply in person, mail the documents, or use a drop slot. Forms and Documents The I Visa applicant should submit the following documents: A
completed visa application Form OF-156.
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